
A-Z of Cookery ingredients

E is for Époisses (aw-pwahss)
Époisses is a soft French unpasteurized cheese made with cow's milk.
It is named after a village on the CÔte-d-or and it is made in almost every part of Burgundy. Containing 50% fat this cheese has an orange washed crust which is flavoured firstly with sage and then with Burgundy marc. It is soft and creamy inside and light yellowish brown in colour depending on the cheeses' degree of maturity.
Époisses has a very strong aroma with a sweet and subtle flavour.
As well as being a favourite of Napoleon I it was considered the king of cheeses' by Brillat-Savarin.
Wine pairing -  Chablis

For more information and recipes go to http://www.frenchcheeseclub.com

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